Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who am I??

Hi I'm Leah, a student at UTS in Sydney, studying film...
Living in the heart of Kings Cross, I have come across a lot of different walks of life.. many of which i use as inspiration in my writing.. as an aspiring film maker i see stories in everything..
i'm going to take you on a journey of my area, getting to know the locals and the tourists, all living radically different lives and experiencing their own adventures. Sometimes it can make us re-evaluate everything we know, when faced with the troublesome life of someone else.
It can make us appreciate the things we take for granted and really notice the important people in our lives..
Thats what i want to do.. I want to really feel.
My parents always use to say, "There is always someone else out there worse off than you, so appreciate what you do have"... This always made me feel guilty for wingeing about the little things... "I don't have this", or "Why me"...
There are people out there who face the most difficult of obstacles and come out of it with a positive outlook or an important lesson learnt.. we can all learn from this way of thinking..

Well thats me..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you study film.
That means we have had few conversations.
I also study film.
Anyway, good luck for making film.